Friday, March 21, 2008

Where I pumped today. First in a series.

I thought it might be fun to do a little tour of the lovely places where I pump :)

I was at my company's office in Silicon Valley today. I rarely visit this office these days, so I had to seek out the pump room for the first time. I was a little surprised to discover there is just one pump room for the 1000-odd employees at this office. But I guess it's not used very often, as the receptionist who is in charge of the key to the room wasn't 100% sure where the key was, or where the room was.

Too bad it's not more used, as it's a wonderful spot!

Here's a picture looking into the room from the door:

Yes, that big black chair is a very comfortable recliner :)

Looking back towards the door, from the vicinity of the recliner:

A full-sized refrigerator with freezer is so handy -- rather than keeping the milk in my little cooler bag with an ice pack, I can stick the milk in the fridge and the ice pack in the freezer. That way, I know it'll all stay cold on the way home.

Two thumbs up to this spot!

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