Monday, June 23, 2008

I might just be the worst mom ever.

That's how working mom's guilt sometimes makes me feel.

Littles has had a rough time adjusting to Texas. First, her sleep schedule was all off, thanks to the time zone change. Then, on the Wednesday after we arrived, she came down with a double ear infection, which further threw off her sleep.

After a pretty rough day, she recovered well from that, and she started in her new nanny share last Wednesday. The first day went fine. On Thursday, the second day, I could see a tear running down her cheek when I came to pick her up, and Kristi (the nanny) said, "She's been fussy and clingy all day. I think she's missing you."

Sigh. At least Friday was better again.

But then, literally minutes before her first birthday party started on Saturday, I thought she felt a little warm. Sure enough, she was running a fever, which eventually spiked up to about 103 overnight.

We took her to urgent care midday Sunday, and the doctor said she looked fine and probably just had a virus or other infection. Her fever broke not long after that.

So I figured I'd proceed with my longstanding plans to catch a 7:30 AM flight to Seattle this morning. I was a little nervous, what with the bad day at Kristi's on Thursday and the fever over the weekend, but I figured I didn't really have a good reason not to go.

Until Littles refused to go to bed last night.

We're still not sure what that was about. She screamed whenever we put her in her crib, or tried to rock her, or tried to lay down with her. All of a sudden, around midnight, she calmed down and started running around and laughing and playing like it was the middle of the day. Strangest thing! I was finally able to nurse her to sleep at about 12:30 AM.

So I skipped the early-morning flight to see how Littles did today. She did just fine, settling down easily for her nap, so I felt better about proceeding with my Seattle plans.

I was able to stand by for an evening flight tonight at no charge, so that worked out well. But boy, I did not want to go. I think about her wanting her mommy, wondering where I am, wondering if I'll ever come home again, and I just want to cry :(

It's going to be a long week.


Unknown said...

It's ok mom, dad and I had a great time last night and this morning. We went to the lake, and we played and, and I slept really, really good last night, just like you taught me! This morning dad gave me oranges and they were yummy. I ate half an orange and then I, I ate lots of cheerios cause they are my favorite. But I was not done, dad gave me a whole cup of yogurt too. Right now I am hanging at Kristi's and playing with little baby Ryan. I hope my other baby boyfriend Nathan does not find out I am hangin with another baby boy he might get jealous. Anyway have a good time in Seattle and hurry home. Tell the pilot to fly extra fast! :)

Anyways, I love you MOM so so much!

Katie said...

omg, that is the cutest thing ever (mia's reply) you have a great little girl (and daddy) :)