Thursday, December 9, 2010

Where I pumped today

My company has two office buildings in Dallas. I already chronicled the pump room in one building in a previous post. Yesterday and today, I had a meeting in the other building. Yay, a new pumping location to check out!

The pump room in this building is normally locked, and you have to go to the security office to get them to unlock it. Kind of a pain. Funny, the security officer had to enter like fifty zillion codes to get at the key. Hello? It's a key to a pump room, not to starting nuclear war.

The room is small and bare bones, but comfortable:


After I pump, I typically put my cooler bag and my pump parts (inside an opaque bag) in one of the office fridges. Last night, my meeting wrapped up after hours, and when I went to get my pumping stuff out of the fridge, I found that the area where the fridge was in was locked. Whoops! I had to call a security guard to get it unlocked so I could retrieve my milk!

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