Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Big girl

Hard to believe it's been a full year since Littles started at her preschool.

This morning, when I dropped her off, she put her lunch on the shelf and her school bag in her cubby, then pulled out a mat and chose a Montessori work to do. All by herself.

Another girl, B, was hanging back in a corner of the room, fingers in her mouth, watching the other kids, a little unsure of what to do. She is new to the class, so I'm guessing she just recently turned two. She looks so tiny! Watching her this morning, it struck me that that is what Littles looked like a year ago.

And now look at her. My big girl.

Her teachers report that she's doing really well with her own work and is also great at helping with the other kids. She'll stay in the introductory room through the summer, and then move up to one of the primary rooms in the fall.

Just a few months ago, the idea of moving up made me really nervous. I still saw her as that not-quite-two-year-old who I dropped off a year ago. Now I can see that she's ready. She's grown and learned so much in her current class, and we'll miss her teachers tremendously, but I think she'll thrive on the challenges that the primary room presents.

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