Wednesday, November 3, 2010

This could only happen to me... while pumping

This week, I had a (rare) onsite visit with a customer. As always, it was a struggle to figure out how to slip away to pump. Actually, I didn't figure it out: I just waited till the end of the work day to pump. Thankfully, Noob is down to just two 6-ounce bottles during the workday, and my supply seems to be a little more resilient with him compared to what it was with Littles. So I'm actually able to pump enough for both his bottles in one session. At least for a few days -- I'm sure it would kill my supply if I kept that up for too long.

Anyway, I brought along my hands-free pumping bra today so that I could pump on my drive home. I pulled over to the most remote corner of the parking lot that I could find. It faced out towards an empty field, and there was just one car nearby. Perfect! So I took off my regular bra, put on my pumping bra, and got my pump all hooked up. Since there was no one nearby, I didn't bother to put on my nursing cover or be particularly discreet while doing all of this.

I looked over to turn on my pump... and saw something in motion out of the corner of my eye. It was that one nearby car, pulling away.


I don't think the occupant could have seen too much, since my car door and my seat would have blocked most of his/her view, but who knows.

What is it about a pumping mom in a parking lot that seems to attract other people like a moth to a flame? Seems like whenever I pump in a parking lot, even if I pick the quietest corner, someone always decides to wander around nearby. C'mon, I'm already pumping in a car for goodness sakes, can't I get a teeny tiny bit of privacy?

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