Sunday, July 26, 2009

Bad ideas

Bad idea: Having Hubby and Littles drop me off at the airport for my flight to Seattle tonight. As we drove up, Littles asked hopefully, "Go airplane?" and it broke my heart to tell her, "No, Mommy can't take you this time." :(

Really bad idea: Picking up a copy of Jodi Picoult's My Sister's Keeper at the airport. One of the central characters is diagnosed with leukemia at age 2 -- exactly the age that Littles is right now. As I read the passages describing her mother's emotions upon hearing the diagnosis, I imagined going through that with Littles. I seriously had to stop reading, because I was crying so hard that I was afraid my seatmate would wonder what the heck was going on.

Now all I want to do is go hug my beautiful, healthy little girl... but instead, I'm stuck in this stupid hotel room alone :(

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