Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Guess what's in my belly?


That's right -- for those of you who didn't already know, I'm pregnant again! The little one who we're calling "Noob" is due in February 2010, which puts me 16 weeks along right now.

Working has been much easier during this pregnancy, compared to when I was pregnant with Littles. With Littles, I was still doing a lot of onsite customer work, traveling almost weekly throughout the first trimester. I also struggled with a lot of pregnancy-related nausea and fatigue. Let me tell you, it is no fun to be onsite with a customer while you're praying that your breakfast stays down and your eyelids stay open.

This time around, the nausea and fatigue weren't as bad. Plus, I'm working from home, so even when I did feel lousy, it was much easier to manage.

The one part that sucked is that my nausea/fatigue tended to kick in right around 5-6 PM. So Littles would come home from preschool and I'd barely have the energy to get off the couch and play with her. But I really had only maybe 2 weeks where I just couldn't overcome the fatigue, a far cry from 8 weeks of feeling like absolute crap when I was pregnant with Littles.

So anyway, that's the big news! Hubby and I are already talking through issues like maternity/paternity leave, child care, and nursing/pumping... more posts to come on all of these topics, I'm sure! :)

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