Monday, November 16, 2009

Why I'm glad I'm traveling today, Monday edition

My flight to Seattle was full of soldiers coming home on leave. Not sure from where, but I'm sure they've been away for a lot longer than I will be this week.

When we landed in Seattle, a lot of the soldiers had family/friends waiting right at the gate. (I guess TSA relaxes the restrictions on non-travelers behind security for soldiers coming home. Good for them.) Just in front of me, a dad nearly got bowled over by his three kids, running over to embrace him in a big group hug. Their mom stood off to the side with a smile on her face, taking it all in.

I took it in, too. It made me tear up. It was beautiful, and perfect.

I'm glad I got to witness that, as it warmed my heart. And it made me thankful that my travels are relatively short, infrequent -- and safe.

I hope that dad comes home for good soon.

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